What is the Tax residential certificate (TRC ) ?
The TRC is a certificate issued for eligible government entities, companies and individuals to take advantage of agreements of double taxation avoidance on income to which the UAE is a signatory.
Eligibility Criteria
Natural persons: The applicant must have been a resident of the UAE for at least 180 days. Also an annual lease agreement officially documented by the competent authorities, such as EJARI in Dubai, municipalities in other Emirates and free zone authorities must be attached to the application.
Legal persons : In order to be eligible to apply for a TRC, the legal person must have been established for a period of at least one year. Financial accounts must be audited or prepared by an accredited audit firm and attached with other required documents to the application. The report must be certified and stamped by the audit firm. The audited financial report to be attached to the application must cover the year for which the certificate is requested. If the certificate is requested for the present year, the audit report must be covering the past year.